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The next free public art raffle stream will happen when we reach 500 paid patrons!


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Page 271

Posted on
August 18, 2021

Chapter: Chapter 4

Characters: Belfry, Jason, Trisha

Tags: Cameo

Flatted by: Knack Whittle

Tamberlane is Currently Sponsored By...

Aelius, Alex Phoenix Wing, andwhyisit, Anguis, BB, berwyn, Bheckadee, Blazeofspikes, Bulwark2002, CalTheUntitled, ccateni, ChaosYoshi7, Chris, Chris G., Chuckles, Cilestin, Cyber Hamster, Damien Mundt, Dana Simpson, Daphne Pfister, Demoriel, Dolly Strawberry, Dr. PHDangit, Dunkin P, Dylan Evans, Emily Yates, FanimationMik, Fruitso, Fruxalga, Frédéric Legaré, Gunny Waffle, Hues Of Blue, Inventor, Ira, Jenna Abel Bradford, Jesus, Jmoney2122, K9Elements, Kagetsume, KennoWP, KettuTheFox, Kilodeer, l AuroraWolf I, Lester D. Crawford, Lillian Marie Burch-Moore, Madiso, Manuel Hahn, Martyn, metalmattress4, michael, Microfan, Mouseyknot, mwi, Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover, Nick, nicky, Nightshade89, null_void, Packardlebaron, Patrick Kingsley, patroclus, PBar, Rattle Rabbit, Rhianna, Rhythm & Tempo, Rick Griffin, Sam Hansen, Sarah, SattaiLanfear, Shout_2000, ShuSquirrel, SilverHeart, Skandranon, Sneb23, Soldier Lsnake, SourMonkey, Sticklord, Stoker Bramwell, SurlyVulpine, That_One_Furry, The Lonely Sand Person, The Masked Retriever, The Union Man, Third, Tidalbelt, Turo, TX.88, UnagiWolf, VerticallyBeige, Vilém, Violet Rose in The Dark, wes9511, Wilford B. Wolf, Yvonne Clapham

Author's Notes:

Belfry's a bat on a mission!!!

Thanks to my husband for lending Jason, Whyaylooh for lending Trisha, and Knack Whittle for flatting this page!

The Tamberlane Patreon is Revamped!!

At long last, it's done! The Patreon is comfortably fixed up! Some exciting new benefits:

  • The Patreon is no longer rated Adult 🔞!
  • 7-day free trials have been implemented on the $2 and $5 tiers for all new patrons!
  • We've moved to a subscription payment schedule, which means whatever day you signed up to the Tamberlane Patreon is the same day of the month you'll always be charged, instead of only charging on the 1st!
  • $100+ patrons can submit characters for me to use during art study!
  • Every 50 new paid patrons, we'll do a free public art raffle stream!

And many more benefits, which you can read all about

To celebrate, we have a limited-time special offer going! Any patrons signed up at a $25 or higher tier will receive a physical postcard in the mail with a nice message (and maybe possibly a bad joke :3c), and some special art made during my precious new art study time!

So head on over and check out the new benefits!


TRISHA: I wouldn't worry. Piper's leading them on a ghost hunt!

BELFRY: A ghost hunt?
TRISHA: Just a harmless spot of fun, Bel. Never you mind.

BELFRY: But Cur and his crew aren't part of it, right?
JASON: Come to think of it, I haven't seen those rascals since the sun started to set.

BELFRY: They're going to bully Tamberlane! I have to find them!
JASON: Now hold on a minute, Bel...

BELFRY: No! I made her a promise, and I'm going to keep it!

TRISHA: There she goes again.
JASON: Eh, she'll learn to let go eventually.


TRISHA: Ich würd mir keine Sorgen machen. Piper macht mit denen eine Geisterjagd.

BELFRY: Eine Geisterjagd?
TRISHA: Nur ein bisschen harmloser Spaß. Kümmer dich nicht drum.

BELFRY: Aber Cur und seine Bande nehmen nicht daran Teil, oder?
JASON: Jetzt wo ich darüber nachdenke, ich hab diese Schlingel seit einer Weile nicht mehr gesehen.

BELFRY: Sie werden Tamberlane schikanieren! Ich muss sie finden!
JASON: Jetzt wart mal eine Minute, Bel...

BELFRY: Nein! Ich hab ihr etwas versprochen, und ich halte meine Versprechen!

TRISHA: Und weg ist sie schon wieder.
JASON: Eh, sie wird schon noch lernen, loszulassen.

TRISHA : Je ne m'inquiéterais pas. Piper les mène à une chasse aux fantômes !

BELFRY : Une chasse aux fantômes ?
TRISHA : Juste un moment de plaisir inoffensif, Bel. N'y pense pas trop.

BELFRY : Mais Cabot et son équipe n'en font pas partie, n'est-ce pas ?
JASON : À bien y penser, je n'ai pas vu ces coquins depuis que le soleil a commencé à se coucher.

BELFRY : Ils vont intimider Tamberlane ! Je dois les trouver !
JASON : Maintenant, attends une minute, Bel...

BELFRY : Non ! Je lui ai fait une promesse, et je vais la tenir !

TRISHA : La voilà qui recommence.
JASON : Eh, elle finira par apprendre à lâcher prise.

TRISHA: Eu não me preocuparia. A Piper está levando eles pra uma caça aos fantasmas!

BELFRY: Uma caça aos fantasmas?
TRISHA: Só um teco inofensivo de diversão, Bel. Deixa pra lá.

BELFRY: Mas o Rafeiro e a turma dele não são parte disso, certo?
JASON: Parando pra pensar, eu não vi aqueles malandrinhos desde que o sol começou a se por.

BELFRY: Eles vão ficar pegando no pé da Tamberlane! Eu tenho que achar eles!
JASON: Espera um minutinho aí, Bel...

BELFRY: Não! Eu fiz uma promessa pra ela, e eu vou manter ela!

TRISHA: Lá vai ela de novo.
JASON: Eh, ela vai aprender à deixar eventualmente.
