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The next free public art raffle stream will happen when we reach 500 paid patrons!


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Page 220

Posted on
June 10, 2020

Chapter: Chapter 4

Characters: Belfry, Ivan, Papa Padgett, Tamberlane

Tamberlane is Currently Sponsored By...

Aelius, Alex Phoenix Wing, andwhyisit, Anguis, BB, berwyn, Bheckadee, Blazeofspikes, Bulwark2002, Cain, CalTheUntitled, ccateni, ChaosYoshi7, Chris, Chris G., Chuckles, Cilestin, Cyber Hamster, Damien Mundt, Dana Simpson, Daphne Pfister, Demoriel, Dolly Strawberry, Dr. PHDangit, Dunkin P, Dylan Evans, Emily Yates, FanimationMik, Fruitso, Fruxalga, Frédéric Legaré, Gunny Waffle, Hues Of Blue, Inventor, Ira, Jenna Abel Bradford, Jesus, Jmoney2122, K9Elements, Kagetsume, KennoWP, KettuTheFox, Kilodeer, l AuroraWolf I, Lester D. Crawford, Lillian Marie Burch-Moore, Madiso, Manuel Hahn, Martyn, metalmattress4, michael, Microfan, Mouseyknot, mwi, Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover, Nick, nicky, Nightshade89, null_void, Packardlebaron, Patrick Kingsley, patroclus, PBar, Rattle Rabbit, Rhianna, Rhythm & Tempo, Rick Griffin, Sam Hansen, Sarah, SattaiLanfear, Shout_2000, ShuSquirrel, SilverHeart, Skandranon, Sneb23, Soldier Lsnake, SourMonkey, Sticklord, Stoker Bramwell, SurlyVulpine, That_One_Furry, The Lonely Sand Person, The Masked Retriever, The Union Man, Third, Tidalbelt, Turo, TX.88, UnagiWolf, VerticallyBeige, Vilém, Violet Rose in The Dark, wes9511, Wilford B. Wolf, Yvonne Clapham

Author's Notes:

I swear this was all planned long before Quarantine...

The Tamberlane Patreon is Revamped!!

At long last, it's done! The Patreon is comfortably fixed up! Some exciting new benefits:

  • The Patreon is no longer rated Adult 🔞!
  • 7-day free trials have been implemented on the $2 and $5 tiers for all new patrons!
  • We've moved to a subscription payment schedule, which means whatever day you signed up to the Tamberlane Patreon is the same day of the month you'll always be charged, instead of only charging on the 1st!
  • $100+ patrons can submit characters for me to use during art study!
  • Every 50 new paid patrons, we'll do a free public art raffle stream!

And many more benefits, which you can read all about

To celebrate, we have a limited-time special offer going! Any patrons signed up at a $25 or higher tier will receive a physical postcard in the mail with a nice message (and maybe possibly a bad joke :3c), and some special art made during my precious new art study time!

So head on over and check out the new benefits!


NARRATOR: Once, in a little town much like your own, Inquisitive Ivan lived happy at home. A curious boy, with a curious mind, He wanted to learn all the facts he could find!
NARRATOR: His poor Papa Padgett grew sick with the flu. The doctor said, "Sorry. There's naught I can do."
NARRATOR: But Pa whispered: "There is a beast in the Thicket That knows many things. That may be the ticket!"

NARRATOR: That night in the woods, amidst crawdads and crickets, The kit found the home of this Thing in the Thicket. A cave full of shadows, and whispers of dread, a dwelling where good little kits mustn't tread.
NARRATOR: "Oh child, do not be afraid," soothed a voice. "I give you a gift. I offer you choice! Your poor sickly Papa must come to my side. With all of my knowledge, I'll keep him alive!"

NARRATOR: "Who are you?" asked Ivan, with uneasy tummy. The voice answered softly, as sweetly as honey: "I hold all the knowledge that you've ever sought. It's lovely to meet you!
NARRATOR: Please call me ABROAD"

TAMBERLANE: This is scary…
BELFRY: All I recalled was the nice pictures...


ERZÄHLER: Klein Ivan's Papa Garret war sehr krank und es ging und ging ihm einfach nicht besser. Klein Ivan wer sehr, sehr traurig.

ERZÄHLER: Aber Papa Garret hatte einen Plan. "Mach dir keine Sorgen, Ivie, ich werde Draussen wieder gesund!" "Draussen, was ist das?" fragte Ivan.

ERZÄHLER: “Papa Garret, nein!” rufte Papa Tom, ”Deine Krankheit wäre zwar fort, aber du wärst auf ewig verdorben!” Papa Garret rümpfte seine Nase. “Pah! Du Feigling! Das ist ein altes Ammenmärchen! Draussen wird mich kerngesund machen, du wirst schon sehen!”

ERZÄHLER: “Papa Tom, ” fragte Klein Ivan. “Wenn Draussen Papa Garret helfen kann, warum ist es dann schlecht?” “Weil ihm Draussen nicht besser werden wird,” sagte Papa Tom.

ERZÄHLER: “Draussen ist voller Verderbnis, die dich und jeden deiner Mitmenschen korrumpieren wird.” “Nach Draussen zu gehen, statt friedlich in der Heimat abzuleben, ist egoistisch!"

ERZÄHLER: “Wenn Papa Garret also nach Draussen geht, wird er jeden, den er kennt, korrumpieren? Ich muss alle davon abhalten, jemals nach Draussen zu gehen!” sagte Klein Ivan.

TAMBERLANE: Das is unheimlich…
BELFRY: Ja, das ist düsterer, als ich mich erinnere…

NARRATEUR : Autrefois, dans une petite ville semblable à celle-ci, Ivan le Curieux vivait heureux chez lui. Un garçon curieux, avec un esprit curieux, il voulait apprendre tout ce que le monde avait de mystérieux !
NARRATEUR : Son pauvre Papa Padgett souffrait d'une infection pulmonaire, Le médecin dit : « Désolé. Je ne peux plus rien faire. »
NARRATEUR : Mais 'Pa murmura : "Il y a une bête dans le fourré. Elle sait beaucoup de choses. C'est peut-être mon ticket !"

NARRATEUR : Cette nuit-là, dans les bois, parmis écrevisses et grillons, le petit trouva la maison de cette chose sous les frondaisons. Une grotte pleine d'ombres et de murmures d'effroi, une demeure où les bons petits ne rentrent pas.
NARRATEUR : "Oh mon enfant, n'aie pas peur", l'apaisa une voix. "Je te fais un cadeau. Je t'offre le choix ! Ton pauvre Papa maladif doit venir à mes côtés. Avec toutes mes connaissances, en vie je le garderai !"

NARRATEUR : "Qui es-tu ?" demanda Ivan tremblant dans ses bretelles. La voix répondit doucement, aussi douce que le miel : "Je détiens des savoirs largement supérieurs. Ravi de te rencontrer !
NARRATEUR : Tu peux m'appeller AILLEURS"

TAMBERLANE : C’est effrayant…
BELFRY : Tout ce dont je me souvenais, c'était les belles images...

NARRADOR: Uma vez, em um cidadezinha a de muitos similar, Ivan Inquisitivo vivia feliz em seu lar. Um garoto curioso, com uma mente curiosa, Ele queria aprender todos os fatos nessa terra grandiosa!
NARRADOR: Seu pobre Papai Padgett ficou doente pra valer. O doutor disse, "Desculpa. Não há nada que possa fazer."
NARRADOR: Mas o Pai sussurou: "Há uma besta no Matagal Que sabe muitas coisas. Talvez esse não seja o final!"

NARRADOR: Aquela noite na floresta, entre gambás e grilos, O filhote achou a casa dessa Coisa no Matagal. Uma caverna cheia de sombras, e sussuros de assustar, um lugar onde bons filhotezinhos não devem ficar.
NARRADOR: "Oh criança, não se assuste,", uma voz de consolação. "Te dou um presente. Te ofereço uma opção! Seu pobre doente Papai deve vir ao meu lado, Com todo meu saber, Eu farei ele viver!

NARRADOR: "Quem é você?" perguntou Ivan, com apreensão. A voz respondeu maciamente, tão doce quanto um torrão: "Eu tenho todo saber que você sempre quis. É ótimo te conhecer! Por favor me chame de EXTERIOR

TAMBERLANE: Isso dá medo...
BEFLRY: Tudo que eu me lembrava era as imagens legais...

(Nota do Tradutor: Eu optei por localizar de uma forma um pouco mais solta aqui para tentar manter o formato de rima.)
