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Page 55

Posted on
January 24, 2017

Chapter: Chapter 2

Characters: Belfry, Nora, Parker, Penny, Tamberlane

Tamberlane is Currently Sponsored By...

Aelius, Alex Phoenix Wing, Anguis, Argeddion, B1 Battle Droid, BB, berwyn, Bheckadee, Blazeofspikes, CalTheUntitled, Chris, Chris G., Chuckles, Cilestin, Damien Mundt, Dana Simpson, Daphne Pfister, Demoriel, Dolly Strawberry, Dr. PHDangit, Draagonslayer19, Dunkin P, Dylan Evans, Emily Yates, FanimationMik, Fruitso, Fruxalga, Frédéric Legaré, Gavyn Lumier, Goldy, Gunny Waffle, Hues Of Blue, Inventor, Ira, Jacob klug, Jenna Abel Bradford, Jesus, K9Elements, Kagetsume, Kcaz Srehtiw, KennoWP, l AuroraWolf I, Lester D. Crawford, Madiso, Manuel Hahn, Martyn, metalmattress4, michael, Microfan, mwi, Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover, Nick, nicky, Nightshade89, null_void, Packardlebaron, Patrick Kingsley, PBar, Rattle Rabbit, Rhianna, Rick Griffin, Sam Hansen, Sammy Naylor, Sarah, SattaiLanfear, Shout_2000, ShuSquirrel, SilverHeart, Skandranon, Sneb23, SourMonkey, Sticklord, SurlyVulpine, That_One_Furry, The Lonely Sand Person, The Masked Retriever, Tidalbelt, Turo, Violet Rose in The Dark, wes9511, Wilford B. Wolf, wjd1206, Yvonne Clapham

Author's Notes:

How strange...

Tamberlane Books Now Available!

You can pick up the Arc 1 Omnibus and all 4 remastered softcovers here!!

Now, some notes:

We do not guarantee that the physical books will arrive in time for Christmas.

They will not be shipped until the Kickstarter and Backerkit is finished being fulfilled. We expect that will be mid-December, but as White Squirrel will go on holiday starting December 19th, it might not be until January next year.

Prefer your comics digital? Then the PDF versions of all of the above are for you! You can find those here, but they ALSO come free with purchase of the physical versions!

GPSR and Canada Shipping Complications

Unfortunately, I have some rough news: EU and Northern Ireland residents have until December 19th, 5:00pm PST to place orders in the shop. After that, due to new regulation, we will be unable to sell you fine folks anything (even digital files!) for the foreseeable future. Any order placed before that deadline will be fulfilled, even if it has to be fulfilled early next year. We hope to be able to change this eventually, but for now, we do what we must.

The Canadian Postal strike, meanwhile, means that we will hold any Canadian order that's using USPS or Asendia until the strike is done. UPS, Fed-Ex, and DHL are still active and available shipping options, however!

For more information about this, holiday deadlines, and additional shipping information, please see this post.

New TfT Released!

At long last, the promised Walter/Tess short comic, Just Across the River, drawn by Minty Messerly, is now released! Buy it here!

Patreon Birthday Sale

It's my birthday this month!! Until December 14th, 8:35am PST, all new monthly subscriptions to the Tamberlane Patreon are 15% off!! Just use code EA527 at checkout!

(Yeah, I know the time choice is, uh, weird; I messed up and can't fix it :'D oh well??)

That's everything I have for you today, folks! I am sure there are going to be a dozen hiccups that spring up in the next couple of days, but hey, we do what we can.

🎄 Happy holidays and enjoy! 🎄


FOX: So, how'd your first night as a parent treat you?
BELFRY: Oh, it's not that hard.

FOX: Oh, not that hard?
FOX: In true Belfry fashion, you chose the hardest kind of parenting there is.
FOX: Just you wait.

BELFRY: The hardest?
FOX: Adopted kits don't tend to attach very quickly.
FOX: If it takes her a bit to warm up to you, that's normal.

BELFRY: Oh, she took to me pretty much immediately!
FOX: Really?

[SFX: Achoo!]
BELFRY: Yes! She came right up and hugged me.
BELFRY: I think she could tell I was nice.

FOX: That's unusual behavior!
FOX: We really ought to keep an eye on her development.


FOX: 所以,你作為父母的第一個晚上過得怎麼樣?
BELFRY: 哦,這並不難。

FOX: 哦,不難嗎?
FOX: 按照Belfry的風格一樣,你選擇了最困難的育兒方式。
FOX: 等著看吧

BELFRY: 最困難的?

FOX: 被領養的孩子通常不會很快的建立情感依附。
FOX: 如果她需要一些時間才能對你產生親近感,那是正常的。

BELFRY: 哦,她對我很快就產生了親近感!
FOX: 真的嗎?

BELFRY: 是的!她馬上就過來擁抱了我。
BELFRY: 我想她能感覺到我是個好人。

FOX: 這太奇怪了!


FÜCHSIN: Also, wie ist deine erste Nacht als Mutter gelaufen?
BELFRY: Och, gar nicht SO schlimm.

FÜCHSIN: Oh, nicht so schlimm?
FÜCHSIN: In echter Belfry-Manier hast du dir ausgerechnet die härteste Art des Elterndaseins ausgesucht.
FÜCHSIN: Wart's nur ab.

BELFRY: Die härteste?

FÜCHSIN: Adoptierte Kinder brauchen länger, um eine Beziehung zu neuen Eltern aufzubauen.
FÜCHSIN: Wenn sie also etwas Zeit braucht, um mit dir warm zu werden, ist das normal.

BELFRY: Oh, sie hat mich sofort ins Herz geschlossen!
FÜCHSIN: Wirklich?

BELFRY: Ja! Sie kam direkt zu mir und hat mich umarmt.
BELFRY: Ich glaube, sie wusste irgendwie, dass ich nett bin.


FÜCHSIN: Das ist echt komisch!

RENARDE : Alors, comment s'est passée ta première nuit en tant que parent ?
BELFRY : Oh, ce n'est pas si difficile.

RENARDE : Oh, pas si difficile ?
RENARDE : À la pure mode Belfry, tu as choisi le type d'éducation parentale le plus difficile qui soit.
RENARDE : Attends.

BELFRY : Le plus dur ?
RENARDE : Les petits adoptés n’ont pas tendance à s’attacher très rapidement.
RENARDE : S'il lui faut un peu de temps pour se familiariser avec toi, c'est normal.

BELFRY : Oh, elle m'a adoptée presque immédiatement !
RENARDE : Vraiment ?

[SFX : Atchoum !]
BELFRY : Oui ! Elle est venue tout de suite et m'a serrée dans ses bras.
BELFRY : Je pense qu'elle pouvait sentir que j'étais gentille.

RENARDE : C'est un comportement inhabituel !
Nous devrions vraiment garder un œil sur son évolution.

VOLPE: Allora, come è stata la prima notte da genitore? So, how'd your first night as a parent treat you?
BELFRY: Oh, non è stato così difficile.

VOLPE: Oh, non così difficile?
VOLPE: In vero stile Belfry, hai scelto il tipo di genitorialità più difficile che esista.
VOLPE: Aspetta e vedrai.

BELFRY: Il più difficile?
VOLPE: Cuccioli adottati non tendono ad affezionarsi molto velocemente.
VOLPE: Se le ci vorrà un po' per affezionarsi a te, è normale.

BELFRY: Oh, mi ha accettato praticamente subito!
VOLPE: Davvero?

[SFX: Achoo!]
BELFRY: Sì! Si è avvicinata subito e mi ha abbracciato.
BELFRY: Credo abbia visto che ero gentile.

VOLPE: È un comportamento insolito!
VOLPE: Dovremmo davvero tenere d'occhio il suo sviluppo.


LIS: Więc jak była pierwsza noc jako rodzic?
BELFRY: Nie było tak źle.

LIS: Nie było tak źle?
LIS: Postąpiłaś zupełnie jak typowa Belfry czyli wybrałaś najtrudniejszy rodzaj rodzicielstwa.
LIS: Tylko poczekaj.

BELFRY: Najtrudniejszy?

LIS: Adoptowane młode nie za szybko się zrzeszają z rodzicami.
LIS: Jeżeli długo jej zajmie przyzwyczajenie się to jest to normalne.

BELFRY: A, ona mnie przyjęła praktycznie od razu!
LIS: Naprawdę?

BELFRY: Tak! Podeszła do mnie i mnie przytuliła.
BELFRY: Chyba zrozumiała że byłam miła.

LIS: To takie dziwne!

RAPOSA: Então, como que foi sua primeira noite como mãe?
BELFRY: Ah, não é tão difícil.

RAPOSA: Ah, não tão difícil?
RAPOSA: Do jeitinho Belfry, você escolheu o tipo de maternidade mais difícil.
RAPOSA: Só espera.

BELFRY: O mais difícil?

RAPOSA: Filhotes adotados não costumam se conectar muito rápido.
RAPOSA: Se demorar um pouco para ela não te estranhar, isso é normal.

BELFRY: Ah, ela se identificou comigo quase imediatamente!
RAPOSA: Realmente?

[SFX: Achoo!]
BELFRY: Sim! Ela chegou perto e me abraçou.
BELFRY: Acho que ela conseguia entender que sou boazinha.

RAPOSA: Isso é um comportamento inusitado!
RAPOSA: A gente realmente ter que ficar de olho no desenvolvimento dela.


ЛИСИЦЯ: Отже, як твоя перша ніч у ролі мати?
БЕЛФРІ: О, це не так вже й важко.

ЛИСИЦЯ: О, не так важко?
ЛИСИЦЯ: Це в стилі Белфрі, ти вибрала найскладніший спосіб виховання дітей.
ЛИСИЦЯ: Почекай.

БЕЛФРІ: Найскладніший?

ЛИСИЦЯ: Прийомні діти зазвичай не йдуть на контакт дуже швидко.
ЛИСИЦЯ: Якщо їй потрібно трохи часу, щоб звикнути до тебе, це нормально.

БЕЛФРІ: О, вона звикла до мене відразу!
ЛИСИЦЯ: Справді?

БЕЛФРІ: Так! Вона відразу підійшла і обійняла мене.
БЕЛФРІ: Я думаю, вона могла сказати, що я був добрим.

ЛИСИЦЯ: Це так дивно!

FOX: אז, איך היתה החוויה של הלילה הראשון שלך בתור הורה?
BELFRY: או, זה לא היה כל כך קשה.

FOX: אה, לא כזה קשה?
FOX: בלפרי יקירתי, את בחרת בסוג ההורות הקשה ביותר שיש.
FOX: רק חכי.

BELFRY: הכי קשה?
FOX: ילדים מאומצים לא נקשרים כל כך מהר.
FOX: אם יקח לה קצת זמן להתרגל אלייך, זה טבעי.

BELFRY: או, היא נקשרה אלי באופן מיידי!
FOX: באמת?

[SFX: אצ׳וו!]
BELFRY: כן! היא ניגשה מיד וחיבקה אותי.
BELFRY: אני חושבת שהיא הבינה שאני נחמדה.

FOX: זו התנהגות לא רגילה!
FOX: אנחנו צריכים לפקוח עין על ההתקדמות שלה.
