
Artie & Hattie Conjure

Donated by

Lightfox Lowell

Artie and Hattie are inseparable twin sisters, two young magicians and storytellers who have been travelling since a young age. As young orphans to banished parents, the pair make their trade aboard the Jumping Guppy after Gillian found them performing in the streets of Follybrook for food, protecting them from the cruel world by hiding their origins. Though inclined towards pranks and troublemaking, Artie and Hattie are kind and hard-working kits, always excited to learn new stories and share their talents with the world.


Hybrid: Kikipio White Bat and Leaf-nosed Bat




August 29


Magicians and Storytellers on the Jumpin' Guppy

Trivia About Artie & Hattie Conjure

Ages Throughout the Comic

Page Age Human Years 1
Chapter 1 Start 7 10
Sovereign Festival 8 11
Chapter 4 Start 9 12
1 Creatures mature at a faster rate than humans. Their 'human age' is their equivalent maturity in human years.