
Maya Gardener

If there's a word to describe Maya, it's nurturing. She runs the Treehollow day care, often taking care of kits when their parents are working, sick, or just need a helping paw. She and her wife, Terra, have raised their daughter Marie in an extremely loving household, full of care and often alive with the sound of other children, and sometimes she has to remind herself that the outside world isn't quite as safe as the one she has created in her home.

An avid gardener, Maya loves to cook food straight out of her garden, and strives to create a supportive environment not only for her daughter, but for her wife, who often comes home exhausted as an apprentice doctor.


Hybrid: Red Panda and Amaruq Dog




March 10


Daycare Teacher


Terra (wife), Marie (daughter)

Trivia About Maya Gardener

Ages Throughout the Comic

Page Age Human Years 1
The Great Outbreak 7 10
Belfry is Adopted 9 12
Old Council Overturned 11 15
Chapter 1 Start 27 34
Chapter 4 Start 28 35
1 Creatures mature at a faster rate than humans. Their 'human age' is their equivalent maturity in human years.