
Amber Wayfinder

Amber grew up as an orphan on the streets of Tangled Branch. Despite having little to her name, she shared what she earned with the other street rats and took care of everyone she could. It wasn't until her late twenties that the Jumpin' Guppy came to town and she earned a fresh start as the ship's navigator, thanks to a handsome busker helping her out.


Cavalier Spaniel




December 14


Navigator on the Jumpin' Guppy


Jason (boyfriend)

Trivia About Amber Wayfinder

  • Amber is pansexual, which means gender doesn't figure into whether she's attracted to someone.

Ages Throughout the Comic

Page Age Human Years 1
The Great Outbreak 7 10
Belfry is Adopted 8 11
Old Council Overturned 10 13
Chapter 1 Start 26 33
Chapter 4 Start 27 34
Bally Bluffs Trip 28 35
1 Creatures mature at a faster rate than humans. Their 'human age' is their equivalent maturity in human years.