
Winnifred Chef-Gardener

Donated by

W. Frazier

Winnifred, or Winnie to her few friends, would like to go as unnoticed as possible. Unfortunately, that's not easy for a towering, gangly fruit bat with an oversized wingspan. With a messy past that she'd rather not talk about, Winnie lived a life surrounded by overwhelming noise and chaos in the city of Follybrook before finding a long-term home on the Jumpin' Guppy. As the chef and gardener aboard the ship, Winnie is well-liked by her crewmates, though sometimes her severe anxiety and jumpiness can be difficult to interface with. Captain Gillian, however, believes that beneath her frightened exterior, she is a noble-hearted creature, and he gladly supports her place on his ship. This loyalty has earned her heart, and she would do anything to keep her crewmates safe.


Nebaheem Fruit Bat




August 31


Gardener and Chef aboard the Jumpin' Guppy


Isera (mother, deceased)

Trivia About Winnifred Chef-Gardener

  • While winged creatures are not typically capable of biological flight, Winnie has been known to be picked up by strong winds at sea due to her outsized wingspan.
  • Winnie has harbored a secret crush on Jason for a very long time.

Ages Throughout the Comic

Page Age Human Years 1
The Great Outbreak 2 3
Belfry is Adopted 3 5
Old Council Overturned 6 8
Chapter 1 Start 21 27
Chapter 3 Start 22 28
Chapter 4 Start 23 29
1 Creatures mature at a faster rate than humans. Their 'human age' is their equivalent maturity in human years.